Cacao ceremony – Membership pass

We are so happy to welcome you into our community with the membership for our online cacao ceremonies!
It is beautiful to see that more and more people are taking time for themselves with a cup of ceremonial cacao – to feel and to connect with their heart.

How does the membership work?

You can sign up on any date of the month you like. So imagine you are signing up on the 9th of October. Then you can join all ceremonies for 33 euro’s until the 8th of November (6 ceremonies in total). This saves you 51 euro in case you would otherwise have bought 6 single passes.


What if you want to cancel?

You can cancel your membership every month by just writing us an email ( latest one day before your month is finished. So in this example on the 7th of November. So no strings attached 🙂 You are always welcome to join anytime later again.


When do the online ceremonies take place?

Every month there are 6 online cacao ceremonies (and sometimes even 7 if there are 5 Sundays in one month). Every Sunday at 10.30 am CEST (Amsterdam/Berlin time) and with Full Moon and New Moon at 20.00 pm CEST (Amsterdam/Berlin time). Since Full Moon and New Moon are on different days every month the best is to check the schedule on:

When do I get the ZOOM link?
You will receive the ZOOM link for each ceremony 2 hours before.


Who will be giving the cacao ceremony?
You can find more information about the Cacao Ceremony Facilitator on


What kind of ceremony will it be?
All ceremonies are always different! So find out which combination is your favourite!
And actually, all the combinations are so amazing – they always give you exactly what you need.

We have cacao ceremonies combined with meditation, InnerGuidance, yoga, breathwork, mantra signing and ecstatic dance!


What about offline ceremonies?
Offline ceremonies are not included in the membership. You can book them separately by visiting our website:


If you have any questions don’t hesitate to email us ( or write us a DM on Instagram:


Cacao ceremony – Membership pass


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Cacao ceremony – Membership pass

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